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combustion engines

Ethanol & Flex Fuel Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Ethanol & Flex Fuel Tuning

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Do you guys think that combustion engines are going anywhere anytime soon, with all the electric cars coming on the market?

Good question, as many governments have, or are, enacted legislation to ban IC cars over the next few years - an admirable ideal but I have serious doubts about the electrical generation and distribution being anywhere near able to support the potential demand, let alone when you consider the lack of investment in an already stressed infrastructure in many countries/states.

An interim measure has hybrides using IC engines, either as the primary power source with electric support, or with the IC engine primarily used to keep the battery charged with the vehicle running on the motors.

Regardless, unless they also outlaw engine modifications, I can't see the modification market dropping off that much, as those who like older vehicles will continue to modify them - might get more difficult, and expensive, but I think it'll continue well into the cross-over.

I'm guessing that some countries will push you by "guiding by costs imposed" to move to electric :\

Here in NZ - the govt has a large tax component on petrol - the fuel refinery we have in NZ is getting closed down and the govt wont step in and support it to maintain our fuel provision ability, so we'll need to import all our fuel. Which will bump the cost up and the quality down :\

Fuel is already well over $3 per liter here in Auckland at the moment for 95/98 octane from the main gas stations (bp and mobil) in most of their locations and the one independent chain here in Auckland (NPD) is knocking on $3 as well for their 100 octane (I do love how high octane is cheaper than "pump gas" when the main petrol companies crank up the prices) and Gull who sell biofuel has dropped the bio part of the fuel so its just regular pump gas now and theres nowhere to get ethanol based fuel on pump anymore really.

All things that would make the average person consider an electric car as their next transport hack.

Like Gord says tho - there will always be a core of people who wont care and will keep modifying their cars because - well - it keeps us happy :)

...but dang ima gonna need another payrise eventually to keep playing :\

Here in Canada, especially Quebec, we have a great source of renewable energy, like hydroelectricity, wind turbines... Our electricity cost is pretty cheap compared to the rest of the country (and the world) and our gas price is getting to 1.70CAD$ a liter. We also have very good incentives on electric vehicles (13k$ if the car is less than 50k$). So our Gov really wants to push the electric vehicles market. Also, the Gov wants to ban new gasoline (passenger) vehicles sale in 2035. I have made some math lately and even with all these rebates on electric cars, for me it's still not worth the switch. Gas vehicle prices are still cheaper and you get more equipment for your dollar compared to an electric vehicle. It could take about 5-7 years to get to par in terms of money, depending on the driving conditions (city vs highway). Also, in the Canadian winter, electric cars range drop down massively which scares a lot of people.

Like Lawrence said, our Gov get some pretty good tax money coming from the gas at the pump. I'm pretty sure the electricity will be taxed a bit more to compensate when this money won't be coming after the ban. I'm wondering how the infrastructures (gas pump/convenience stores) will evolve to adapt to this new reality. I mean, I don't plan on selling my R32 anytime soon, and I hope I won't have to pay 5$ a liter to go get an ice cream on a Sunday afternoon...

Can't wait to see how it turns out!

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