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problem to fire up cold start e85

Ethanol & Flex Fuel Tuning

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I am running on my Mitsubishi Lancer evo 9 with Plug in Link g4+

I have one problem with my car, i have no good fire up on cold condition with E85.

i leave in mountain area during winter air temp is around 0 degre

somebody can help me to solve the problem? I am in modelled multi fuel equation

i join picture on my set up

Thanks in advance

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Do you have a datalog of it trying to start? It looks like you have flex fuel going, so that's good. Your basic options are to increase cranking fuel or increase after start fuel. Advancing cranking timing might help too. There are limits to all these strategies though.


Thanks for your answer. i don't have datalog for moment, i will do next time when i will test

need to have 5 or 6 time long action on starter before engine start , it crank and crank but not fir.

I already increase value of crank enrichment and pre -crank time compare to gasoline, may be not enough.

may be also i need to increase first crank enrich?

thanks in adavnce

How much have you increased all the various enrichments? You will have to push it a little, adding more fuel until it stops improving or it floods. There are limits to how much this is going to help though; E85 is hard to start when it's cold.

Also, try adding about 10 degrees of spark during cranking/afterstart. It might not do anything but it's worth a shot; I've had good luck with more cranking timing before.

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