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Active noise canceling headsets

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Does anyone have any headsets to recomend with active noise canceling?

I see there are cheaper models that are ment for hunting but i don't know if they help with constant noise?

The last car I tuned was so loud, that listening to knock was virtualy impossible, with my setup. (Smal headphones inside a peltor headset.)

From what Andre has said, he's found better results using the combo you described....apple iphoni headphones with grade 5 peltors over. He said he tried the noise cancelling ones but found that they did not work as well due to clippimg

As Christopher and Andre have said, Passive headphones are a much better solution for these situations than the Active units. I have found that with the Actives, they struggle with the range of frequencies that are experienced when running a car on the dyno, leading to the creation of a hash of noise in the headphones.

My solution for this is a good set of Peltor ear protectors, with a set of Shure In-Ear noise isolating monitors. This combination provides about 60dB of noise reduction so works well when I have full race cars on the dyno. With normal cars, I can usually get away with just using the Shures.


The shure solution looks promising. With the foam blocking sound like regular plugs. I'm going to try that.

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