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Portable Wideband

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Can I use an AEM 30-0300 X-series as a portable wideband using a tailpipe clamp and have an accurate AFR?

I've watched some reviews about the AFR500v2 portable wideband but people use it not as a portable wideband instead they install it permanently in the exhaust as a normal wideband.

I want to use a portable wideband to keep with it when I sell my car or using to tune other car. What do you think?

On your own car, it's always worthwhile instaling a sensor boss in the exhaust ut have blank handy to swap the sensor in and out.

Sensor accuracy using a tailpipe sniffer is covered in the courses on here. Basically, you'll have a lot of inaccuracy at idle but once there is more airflow from picking up the revs it is pretty accurate.

Hi Chris, Thanks you. Could you tell me what class is it?

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