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Standalone ECU with Automatic transmission support?

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Looking for what options there is when it come to A Standalone ECU with Automatic transmission support?

What ECU's out there have Automatic transmission support you know?

Thanks :)

Well , I think a couple of options , I dont have any the expierence with either but it worth to take a look.

Microsquirt the smallest ecu of Megasquirt product range can be configured to be used as a automatic transmission control and can comunicate

via can with other Magasquirt ecus for share information.


Another option out there is the top of the range Pro EFI ecu, that ecu could be used to manage the engine management system and control some

transmissions at the same time.


An American trans will be no trouble, there are many options. Euro transmissions though your options are pretty limited.

Thanks for the feedback, ill look at those.. :)

Haha, downloaded the ProEfi software to have a look, went back to the 80'ies and DOS and windows 3.1 right away, what a laugh.

then i google it for videos and found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQnaF-OY_qg

An absolute NO!NO! to even consider using or supporting something like this, is insane!

But i again thank you for the link and trying to help.. :)

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