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So why is Dyno tuning better then Road tuning ?

Introduction to Engine Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Introduction to Engine Tuning

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Here we are discussing a simulated environment to tune against. Why would it be better to tune in a simulated environment vs the real world i.e. Road Tuning here ? Also on Dyno's i was under the impression that alot of cars may suffer from heat soak (in particular turbocharged/supercharged cars) vs the Road where Air is moving over the cooling components. Can you guys elaborate ?

Plenty of reasons, I'm a little busy right now but the first things that come to mind are:

- It's illegal/dangerous to do full power acceleration on pretty much any road in any country I am aware of

- There is no controlled/accurate way to measure torque changes at given load/rpm points on the road

- An accurately controlled/measured environment means that you can refer to results from previous sessions to track progress from adjustments reliably

Lith has made very good points so I'll just add one more.

Your backside simply isn't as accurate as a closed loop dyno, meaning you won't be able to feel changes in Torque and HP doing a road tune that you will be able to find on a dyno.

The biggest reason to use a dyno is that we get instantaneous feedback from the dyno regarding the change we've just made. For example if we're running the engine at 3000 rpm and 50% throttle and we add 2 degrees ignition timing, the dyno will tell us if this has resulted in more or less torque. On the road we simply don't have this feedback.

As I mentioned in the course, wherever possible I like to back up my dyno tuning with confirmation of the tune on the road. This allows me to optimise the tune using the dyno, and then confirm that everything that I saw on the dyno is still valid and correct out in real world conditions - By this I mean that the AFR is the same as I set it to on the dyno, and that the engine isn't suffering from knock.

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