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13b Rotary

Practical Engine Building

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Engine Building

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Hi guys. will you be including a worked example of the 13b rotary engine at any point soon, my RX8 is in need of a rebuild and would be great to see this done before i attempt it myself



Hi Mat, while we've discussed including a rotary worked example, at this stage I can't confirm when that may be. I haven't personally had any experience building rotary engines so it would also require us to find a suitable rotary specialist to partner with.

Ok no probs, ive stripped a few down that i have destroyed on the track, there are plenty of cars available here in the UK with the hot start issue, Low compression due to worn rotor tips, so as a result they are cheap to buy and great to track, they are a great engine to drive but id describe them as chocolate( get hot and they melt LOL) from what i can tell there are only 3 major moving parts in it, if i could learn to do this properly then there is some serious money to be had as i think these cars will become a very sought after motor in a few years

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