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Gm throttle body pinout assistance.

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hi All,

would anyone know the pin out for a GM v6 throttle body with the flat 6 pin connector?

the throttle I’ve got is off a ve series 2 or vf commodore with a v6.

thanks in advance.

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Cant help off the top of my head unfortunately, but I do remember being able to find a VE commodore EFI wiring harness diagram pretty easily a couple of years back when helping a buddy out with a jet-boat conversion. A bit of internet sleuthing and you should be able to find a factory service manual diagram or similar and work from there? Post up what you find here :-).


It's been revealed to me that the Ford FG and VF Commodores have the same throttle bodies and here is the wiring diagram for a FG.

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