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Robust Method of Adding Resistors in Loom

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Loom design progressing along nicely, but I've stumbled on an issue.

Is there a decently robust method for adding a resistor (or a type of resistor I am unaware of) for embedding in the loom itself? Specifically for my case, I am planning to add an ethanol sensor to my loom to work with a Hondata S300, but it requires that I connect a 2.4kohm resistor between VCC and output. Since I'm pulling VCC from a junction within the loom, it makes the most sense to apply the resistor near the sensor connector, but I cringe at the thought of soldering or crimping in a single leaded resistor in the loom and shrinking over it. A similar method is required to adapt any two wire temp sensors for use with the board's extra analog inputs. Any guidance is appreciated!

I have found that soldering wires to the resistor is the best way to go. Cover that with adhesive lined heat shrink to prevent vibration fractures at the solder connection. The wires are then spliced or combined with another wire at a terminal as usual. It best if you can get this resistor to live inside a boot or other rigid part of the harness.

If they're axial lead resistors and you've got about 5 inches to lay them I still like butt connectors, epoxy, and two layers of shrink. It gets bulky but I I'd keep a stash of these on hand for just such an occasion:

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