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Sizing for heat shrink labels and clear heat shrink

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Can someone tell me for a club day spec harness what are the most common size heat shrink labels and clear heat shrink I'd need?



You will want 1/4" heat shrink labels, and clear covering. But be careful, some brands (my Dymo for example), label the heat shrink with the "flat" size, so it requires the 1/2" for what would be 1/4" with Kroy (my other label printer). For large cables you might need 3/8" or 3/4" labels. But I can usually get by with a printed white 1/2" label for those large labels with clear heat shrink over it if I really need it.

So they are also showing the flat height. The key was in the description of the large size (0.645), where it said: "Size: 0.375" Diameter, 0.645" Height, 7' Length"

so get get .25" diameter, you will need a height of (.25 * 3.14) / 2 = 0.3925 (look for the next larger size), so you'll want the 0.439 size I believe.

Even then, you'll possibly need a couple, or three, different sizes.

Thanks for that David, I'll probably start with just the one size and see how i get along

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