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Thermocouple connectors

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I have been trying to figure out a good way to integrate per cylinder thermocouple wiring into my main wiring harness for a while. I dont want to just run the thermocouples into the main harness because that would mean if a thermocouple died I would need to remove the whole thing in order to extract and replace it but I also dont really like the idea of spending $15-20USD per pin on chromel/alumel DTM pins. Has anyone come up with a nice solution that doesn't involve a DTM connector pair becoming the single most expensive connector in the whole loom


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Any reason you don't want to use the standard thermocouple female connector?


Mainly just a matter of it not being a watertight connector, maybe a bit of glue lined heatshrink on the back of the connector would be the solution there.

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