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Equal constraint

3D Modeling & CAD for Motorsport

Relevant Module: Solid Modelling Basics > 2D Sketching

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Discussion and questions related to the course 3D Modelling & CAD for Motorsport.

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I attempted the equal constraint for the 11mm circles. I selected the equal constraint, clicked the 11mm circle, clicked the second circle, and I keep receiving an error message that says: Failed to solve. Please try revising dimensions or constraints.

Hi Dennis,

Unfortunately our forum question section doesn't link to the module at the moment so I can't see exactly what you're talking about.

Can you provide some more context? maybe a screenshot of the sketch or something?

Perhaps the first circle is not fully defined. Have you dimensioned it

Yes, thanks for the reply. I attached a screenshot. I followed along for the 2D Sketching lesson and drew the 11mm circle, then the other two circles. I selected the equal constraints tool, clicked on the 11mm circle, then clicked the next circle, and I receive the same error message in the bottom right every time. I've started over fresh, and every time I receive the error. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Attached Files

Hi Dennis,

easy to fix this one, just delete the dimensions off the other 2 holes and then apply the constraint, should work fine.

The issue is you've got dimension on the holes, essentially saying they must be a certain diameter, then you're saying it must also equal the other diameter so it fails.

Can only have one or the other.

Got it, thank you! Great course. I was very excited when I saw you were offering it.

awesome that's great to hear, appreciate it

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