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CAN Wires Requirements

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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I´ve the following doubt. Should I shield the CAN bus wires to perfect signal between PDM & ECU, PDM & Keypad, and PDM & AIM expansion modules? I´m runing about 2 metres as much on each pair. If answer Is yes, could I use 20 AWG x2 shielded cable (REF M27500/20SBT23)


AiM doesn't use shielded or even twisted wires for their expansion CAN bus. I don't believe shielding is necessary. But I'm not trying to weave the CAN bus between the ignition coils either.

CANBus is a differential signal anyway. Injecting say EMI would just make it lose packets maybe as the signal voltage gets a slight increase on both legs which gets ignored electrically (hence the Hi and lo are always going opposite of each other). A twist in the pair as per CAN standards is all you need.

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