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Coiled Cable Construction

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Hi everyone,

As the title suggests, I was wondering if anyone could share any insight into how one would construct a coiled cable? This would be for a removable steering wheel application.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the link! I obviously used the wrong key words in my search. Christoph's suggestion seems quite straightforward. Would it perhaps be beneficial to have the lay direction of each layer be the same to sort of "force" the cable to coil up a bit by itself already? Or would this introduce added strain?

I have no idea. I've purchased dozens of coil cords and wired them successfully over the last 20 years without ever feeling the need to make my own. Here is my current supplier of motorsport quality coiled cables:


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