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Motec E888 and Proper Thermocouple Contacts

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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I'll be installing an E888 soon and am planning out the associated harness. From my research, I cannot find any chomel/alumel sockets for the superseal 1.0 series. The E888 has built in TC amplifiers so I'd like to be able to run the k-type probe wiring direct, without an inline amp. What is the standard practice in this situation?

If it helps, these will be used on a 3 cylinder turbocharged engine running on methanol controlled by an M130. I would like to use individual cylinder EGT for active fuel trimming where needed.


You don't use special pins, CJC1 and CJC2 are used to compensate. Here's an article that might be helpful:


Thanks for the link! That explains it perfectly, and makes sense.

As long as you are going straight to the E888 you do not need the alumel/chromel contacts as it uses the case temp as cold junction if there is not one wired in. That is the correct way to use it.

The cold junction is only for if you were to convert the thermocouple to a copper wire somewhere in the harness, the temp needs to be taken into account at that junction.

Interesting, I didnt realize it referenced the case by default and always assumed it was the CLC pins. Learn something new about the toys I play with every day. Thanks.

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