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Wideband O2 sensor for wire-in use, Vipec V44.

Understanding AFR

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My car was tuned on a Dynapack with the integrated wideband O2 sensor connected, so we did not use a wire-in sensor at that time. Now I`m going to tune the idle control, accel-enrichment etc, on the road, and want to install a wire-in sensor for that purpose. I have searched and there seems to be lots of sensors on the market. Does anyone have a suggestion for a suitable sensor kit with good accuracy?

You're right, there are an almost unlimited number of options. Personally I've had quite good results from the Innovate LC2 (don't use an LC1, they were junk!).

I try to stick to the Innovate products as well, their MTX range might be better for a cheap(ish) and cheerful permanent installation

Thanks guys, i'll look into the Innovate products.

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