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Data Analysis Fundamentals: Step 4: Analyse Engine Health

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Step 4: Analyse Engine Health


00:00 So now we're ready to jump into MoTeC's i2 which as I talked about before, is the software that we visualise all of the logged data and do all of our post processing with with MoTeC's data.
00:12 So before I jump into the reliability report here I just want to give you guys a little bit of an intro to i2, how it works, you guys have seen a little bit of this in the course already but I just want to give you, acclimatise you to what the whole software looks like.
00:24 So over here on my laptop screen laid our exactly like you'd expect for any other piece of Windows software.
00:31 So we've got the option here to open and close log files, so the log files are the pieces of data that we're recording with the logger.
00:37 We've got the option to configure our telemetry so if we have live telemetry coming off the cars rather than logged data, this is where we can come and configure that, I'm not going to go through that here because that's not something we've dealt with in the course.
00:48 We've also got the options to go through different workspaces.
00:49 So workspaces, like we talked about in the course are the places that hold all of the pieces of our analysis project so all of our displays, all of our configuration, everything.
00:58 So you can save a different workspace for a different car.
01:02 So typically I had one per car per season.
01:04 And that allows me to just keep all of the right options and setup and conventions and everything for that car stored in one place for that car.
01:12 We've also got options here to save the workspaces, save as.
01:16 So if I want to make a copy of my current workspace, maybe I've got the workspace from last year and I want to make starting point for the workspace this year for this car, this is where I do that, I'd go save as and I'd be able to rename it to be this year so there's no reason you need to use a new one for each season, it's just how I tend to do it to keep my workspaces nice and well organised.
01:38 You've also got the option to download the logged data directly from i2.
01:41 Generally I do that through the dash manager instead.
01:43 We've got the option here to print and print preview and print to clipboard.
01:46 So this is just a way to take, one of the ways we've got to take information off our screen.
01:50 If we just want to share that with someone really quickly, if it's just, essentially like a print screen.
01:55 And that's some built in functionality to do that.
01:58 We've got the ability to import data and this can be from a range of different sources.
02:04 So we've got the ability to import PI, Bosch, RacePak, Atlas or MoTeC in CSV format.
02:12 So most of these are going to need a license, an upgrade license to use them but you have got the ability to import data from different data analysis sources which is actually a really powerful tool if that's interesting to you, if you want to use MoTeC's i2 to look at data from other systems for example.
02:29 We've got the ability to export data as well, so this is really useful if you want to share a small section of the data with someone.
02:36 So you can either, you can do anything from exporting everything that you see or you can say only particular laps or you can say only the laps I'm currently looking at in my software or you can even just export certain channels, not have to export all channels.
02:51 So this is something that's a bit of a security feature if you don't want to share all of your data with someone, if you just want to share certain things.
02:57 This is the way you can do that through the export section.
03:00 You've also got the ability to include different details from your logger configuration as well, that sort of meta data is really useful for understanding how the data was logged sometimes but often you don't want to actually share that information with people.
03:10 You've also got the option here to export in different file formats so by default you've got MoTeC's native log file format, you can also do by CSV or MATLAB.
03:20 MATLAB's just a mathematical modelling program that's really commonly used by engineering and if you want to do a really specific heavy duty calculations.
03:31 This is the sort of software you might be using for something like that.
03:34 So that's how you can do exports, what else have we got in here, we've got the option to split data, so splitting data can be really helpful if you've got, let's say you forgot to do a download between 2 downloads so the car came in, you forgot to download it, it goes out for another run and it comes back in again.
03:50 If you want to then split that data into its different runs, this is one place you can do that so you can essentially just put the cursor where you want, you can split it into left and right sides, you've got the ability to rename the data on either side so you can update the comment, you can update the driver so that split function is really really useful if you do forget or aren't able to download between 2 different runs.
04:10 And as we saw earlier in the worked example you've got the ability to create a reference lap here which is selecting the current lap you want to look at and exporting it for use inside of the logger as a reference lap.
04:21 Next in the edit we've got the ability to cut, copy or delete different elements.
04:27 So what I mean by different elements here is each one of these items, you can see this little red box of highlights around each one of the elements, this is an XY plot element, this is a time/distance element, this is a track map element.
04:39 You've got the ability to cut, copy, paste, delete, you can do that from here.
04:44 Alternatively you can actually control C, control V on any of these elements as well, I don't tend to use the edit tab.
04:52 You've got some options to view different parts of the user interface here.
04:55 So whether you want to toggle the telemetry views, you can, these different shortcuts here are used to show the channels list.
05:05 So for example if I come out here and press C it shows the channel list, opens that out for us as a bit of a shortcut.
05:14 You've got the option again, control R, shift F3, these are just all shortcuts to show all different parts of the user interface.
05:21 I'm not going to go through all of these in detail but having a bit of a play through the user interface with the supplied logged data that we give you guys, play around with the stuff and see what it's like for yourself.
05:31 Show track is quite a useful, the track shortcut, so if you're on a display where you haven't got a shift light, so you haven't got a track map showing, just pressing T will bring up a temporary track map there which is actually quite, I find quite a nice little feature if you don't want to take up too much screen real estate with your track map but then you want to look at one quickly, that's one place you can look at that.
05:53 In the layout tab here we've got the layout editor which is sort of the main way we control all of the main display hierarchy in i2.
06:02 So we've got the workspace and then we've got the workbooks and then we've got the worksheets inside the workbooks.
06:10 So that's the hierarchy that we display in here so the workbook is the highest level and then I've got, sorry the workspace is the highest level and then I've got each one of these workbooks here and the workbook holds the worksheets and each one of these worksheets is a predefined set of displays depending on what you want to look at.
06:26 So this is a way you can copy a worksheet from one place to another or you can import one from a different project, you can move them up and down or change the order they're shown in the software.
06:38 This is where you do all of that.
06:41 So we've also got the option to make a new workbook or a new worksheet as we came from the layout editor as well.
06:47 And we've also got some options to select different worksheets but that's just the main way I would do that normally is by the drop down here where I can jump to different parts of the project by moving through the different worksheets like this.
07:01 So this is one way we can come to add different displays we want to look at.
07:05 So I'm just going to, this is one way you can do it, you can also do it with the right click, so what I'm going to do is just make a new worksheet really quickly here, I'll make a blank one and I can come here and add, it's exactly the same menu.
07:16 So if I want to come and add a new time distance plot, I can select that here.
07:20 Here I can come and add group, so this is defining how each of of those groups, so let's say I want to add cor speed or corrected speed channel in here, let's say I want to add throttle, I can come in and add that here.
07:32 If I want to add throttle position and I want to add let's say the brake pressure percentage, so here they're scaled brake pressure percentage that we saw before.
07:44 So you can see now that we've got, that is showing on a time/distance plot and if I want to add more I can just come and drag these around, I want to add something else, if I want to add let's say a scatter plot, so here if I wanted to plot longitudinal acceleration I can do that here.
07:57 Plot on the vertical axis, the Y axis, on the X axis I want to plot lateral acceleration.
08:03 I can come and do that.
08:06 Put that here like that.
08:09 And you can position these as you want and then if I wanted to add something like for argument's sake if I wanted to add a track map or something like that I could do that down here with a track position.
08:18 And I've got some options here to customise the width and the way it looks and everything.
08:21 But all of that is pretty self explanatory.
08:27 So you can move them around like that.
08:28 So you can see it's a pretty flexible workspace, it's really easy to set them up.
08:32 The nice thing as well, it actually snaps into different positions to make it easy to tidily arrange everything in your workspace so it is quite an intuitive way to work.
08:40 Other than that you can see all of the different display types you've got access to.
08:43 Now these are definitely worth going into and playing around with for yourself, depending on what you're interested in visualising.
08:50 The main ones we're going to use today are the time/distance plot, the report table, the XY plot and also the track map display obviously but you can see there's all sorts of different types of displays and gauges and everything that we went through a little bit in the course and there's the ability to put all of those sorts of things and arrange them in all sorts of different ways you like.
09:09 You've also got the ability to insert beacons here if you need to, if you've missed one on track.
09:13 You've got some shortcuts here for single colour for main so I'll show you what that means now by actually selecting some different data.
09:22 So by pressing the J button you can show each data set, so each data source will have its own colour and you can, just to make it a little bit easier to visualise what's going on here, so by default it'll show the, for the primary overlay, it'll show all of the data coloured by its channel colour and all of the overlaid data will be shown in white, alternatively if you press J you can show all of the data from one source, as a single colour and all of the other data as a single source.
09:55 So really it's just a preference depending on how you're looking at the data, you've got the option to show or hide the overlays with F4 like this so you can toggle those on and off.
10:03 We've got the P and N, the previous and next, so this gives you the option to move through previous or next laps which can be a really handy option just to make that really clear what's happening there I'm just going to pin this here, so if you see I press N and P you can see how the main, the lap that's selected had this little orange dot moving forward and back if I press P and N.
10:26 So that's just giving you options on how to select the different data.
10:30 You've got the option here to select fastest so by default when you open up a given log file it'll generally select the fastest lap automatically for you but you've got the option to set that back if you're not using that behaviour.
10:43 You've got the shortcut here for switching the main and the overlay so which one is the main data, which one is defined as the overlay, press the Q button here so that just defined, it changes the reference, it switches the colours around.
10:53 You can see it changes the scaling here depending on how the information is scaled by default but essentially it's just switching the main and the overlay which you can see happening in this column over here.
11:09 So you've got the option to zoom out over full and zoom to per lap.
11:13 So this is something I use quite a lot so if I want to look across the whole log file I can press F2 and it shows us the entire span of everything it's logged within both of those files.
11:22 Or alternatively if I press W that zooms to the whole, that's W for whole, so that's zooming to the whole lap.
11:28 So that is what is, it's going to zoom to whatever I've got selected here in these 2 bounds which I end up making quite a lot of use of.
11:38 You can save the default zoom, you can start animation and you can define the animation rate, all animation means, if I put the cursor somewhere and press A, it moves through it in the time that's defined so I've also got those controls up here for play and pause and I can define the speed at which it moves so I can go through at half speed here if I want to look at something being animated in half time.
12:00 But most of the time you're going to be using it in 1x like that.
12:07 So in the component control we can come through and control how lots of the different displays work.
12:11 So we've got F5 and F6 so F5 is going to open up the way we can modify each one of the displays.
12:21 So in this context, because I've got, you can see that the red, that sort of faint red selection is around this time/distance plot, if I press F5 it's going to bring up all the controls so I can modify what's showing there.
12:31 I've also got lots of options how I can change how the information is displayed to me.
12:35 It's super super heavily configurable and also some options, if you're using that display for telemetry you've got some different options for automatic zooming as well.
12:46 F6 will take the currently selected display and make it full screen, you can toggle it between F6 and turning it on and off to make it full screen so sometimes that's, if you want to see something in much more detail and you don't care about the other displays, you can quickly toggle to that which can be quite a useful feature.
13:03 Under here in display we've got some options about the currently selected display for what we want to, what information we want to show on it.
13:09 So we've got shortcuts here, showing for all of them.
13:12 Some of the most common ones that you'll be using are the variance which is F3 and I find L and M I use quite a lot as well.
13:22 So F3 will turn on the variance, it shows us the time loss or the time delta between these 2 different laps.
13:29 So you can toggle those on and off and the M is bringing up, actually let me just get rid of these one at a time.
13:34 So the L button is bringing up the legend control.
13:37 So by default it's going to show me the value of the cursor on the main and of the overlay so it's going to show me both of those values, it also shows you the delta or the difference between them and it does that for each of the channels.
13:50 And the M gives us basically some statistics that it's going to calculate for us so we've got the minimum, the maximums and the averages for each of the channels.
14:00 So that can be a really useful thing.
14:02 It depends what you're using the logged data for, whether you're interested in those statistics or whether you just want to use the logged values as well.
14:08 That's actually a good time to mention as well how the delta function works before I go any further.
14:15 So you can, you'll see when I drag the cursor position along any part of the time/distance plot or actually any plot for that matter, but particularly with a time/distance plot, we've got the summary of the time and the distance that's shown down the bottom here as well.
14:31 So if I was to, often one of the thing you want to do is do a reference between 2 points.
14:36 So let's say for argument's sake, I'm just going to zoom, which I can double click and hold and drag there to get into the zoom.
14:42 So if I wanted to look at the reference between 2 points I can click the spacebar here and I can click here and that's going to give me the difference between 2 points..
14:50 And critically it's going to give me the difference in time down here, so that's 0.4 seconds and 20 metres it's showing me between those 2 cursor points so I can manually drag that second cursor to anywhere I want and you can just press D to get rid of that delta function for you.
15:04 And again, I can just go back W and that zooms back to the whole lap for me as well.
15:10 So that delta reference function is something you'll be using quite a lot so again zoom into a particular section if I want to look at the difference between where the throttle comes on here, spacebar, click it here and that's going to show me a time and the distance difference as well.
15:25 That's also, while we're at it, we should also talk about plotting, obviously you know from the course that we could be looking at plotting either by time or by distance, it's really important to understand the right and wrong time to do that by default here or in this case we've got the Y axis is plotted by time.
15:38 Obviously if you're doing proper driver analysis you're going to be wanting to plot this by distance so we know this is plotted by distance here because it's got metres shown down the bottom and the X axis, this is shown in metres.
15:50 Whereas if I click back here, back to time, it plots by time so obviously if we're doing any analysis on the driver we generally want to be looking at it by distance and we can come back and do that delta in exactly the same way that we did before.
16:04 We've also got some controls here for the active channel.
16:07 So what I mean by active channel is that one that you click on, so it's got this little dot that turns up next to the channel, so for max speed the selected channel.
16:15 So this is one way you can get to the active channel.
16:18 You can hide it, you can blink it, which means it goes like this which in some cases you want to do that to make it really obvious to you which one the active channel is.
16:28 You can also access this by right clicking the channel you're interested in as well, you can add filters to it, you can add offsets to it, you can zero it or basically, it can do the offset of zeroing that channel for you at the position you have the cursor.
16:43 You've also got the option here of channel properties which is a quick way to get to the channel properties if you want to change the colour, you can do that here, you can see a little bit of information about what the quantity is, what the unit you can select, the change in the unit you want to be shown it in as here, you can select how the upsampling is done, you can read some more information about that in the help file about what upsampling means and you can also see, really useful here to see what the logged rate was as well.
17:09 As well as what the source was, whether it was telemetry or whether it was logged, or a math channel in fact.
17:15 You can also see that rate here by right clicking on it as well.
17:18 Down here under the cursor control we can see, we can cycle through different styles of cursors.
17:23 So we can move by pressing Y, you can see different styles of cursors, so depending on what you're interested in looking at, that can be, that's more of a preference thing to show you.
17:31 The nice thing about this one is it gives you a bit of a cross hair so it shows you exactly where you're looking at on the Y axis which can be helpful in some cases.
17:38 So we've got a whole lot of different cursor controls there with the shortcuts that go with them, you can see here we've got a place datum cursor that we use with the spacebar, we've got the different zoom controls and the shortcuts that go with them, panning which is moving the display across, so if I press shift left and shift right you can see here I can sort of pan across the display, it's one of the ways you can move it or otherwise, the left and right keys, just move the cursor along there, I can just press W to zoom back to original per lap view.
18:04 We've also got our offset function here which is something we use a little bit in the course but you can access that by pressing O for offset and that essentially gives me the ability to move 1 log file with respect to the other.
18:15 So I've got, you can see I've got a secondary axis is shown up down the bottom here.
18:19 The idea here is that I can drag it along.
18:22 So if you've got a data alignment problem, this is how you do that.
18:24 You come down here and you can drag one log file with respect to the other to have a manual offset control.
18:30 Now pressing O again we'll reset back to the original offset for you.
18:33 We've also got the option to export data and another place you can access that is by exporting data here.
18:37 Now the important thing to understand by exporting it from the display, rather than the export that we had from the file, is here if you export from display, you have the option to export only the channels that are shown in that display.
18:47 So if you only want to export some channels to someone, if you don't want to share every single log channel, this is the place that you can do that.
18:53 So you can just say, only for the visible channels here, and that'll only in this case if I was to do this, it would only be exporting the corrected speed and throttle position and the brake pressure percentage as well.
19:05 We've also got some options to print to clipboard here as well for the currently selected display.
19:10 Under the tools we've got the track editor which is where we can come and edit the definition of the track.
19:15 So you can come here and define sectors or sections of the track.
19:18 There's lots of different ways this works.
19:21 By default MoTeC will set up for you, it will define the straights and corners based on a built in algorithm the software has.
19:30 Most of the time it gets us pretty close but you can come through here and define each section of the track individually, rename them to exactly what you want depending, particularly if you want to come through and rename these by the way the official track map is named, that can help to align both those things.
19:46 So if you're just discussing something in the data, you can see the particular section on track we're talking about here.
19:52 And that relates to the original track map.
19:55 Down the bottom we've got our distance scale, along the top we can see how these straights and turn definitions are highlighted for us here so it just helps orientate us to where we are on track.
20:06 So that's where those are coming from, they're coming from the track editor.
20:09 We can also have multiple different definitions.
20:11 We can have a different category of sectors here, for example, you can come through and rename the sectors and break them up as many times as you like.
20:19 If you wanted to split that into multiple sections you can.
20:21 You can come down here and manually define the start and end of each sector, rename them, it's a super super flexible user interface here and It's quite intuitive as well.
20:29 This is how you generate the track, so if you want to modify the definition of the track, if you're not happy with the way it looks, you can come here and generate it.
20:36 So by default here, we're generating by GPS.
20:38 You can also do by lateral position, sorry lateral G force and speed.
20:42 And you've got a couple of options here.
20:45 In particular, for this particular track, it's defined as a cross over track because we've got a bridge where the track runs one part over the other so you need to use crossover but most of the time you're going to be using the closed section type of track and you can also select the lap you want to use.
20:58 Usually you want to be using the best quality, probably your fastest lap where you've got the most representative lap time is the one you'll usually be using to define your track definition for.
21:10 You've got options to come through here and edit the laps individually so whether you want to generate laps because you've got missed beacons or whether you want to edit something about the lap, this is where you can come and do it.
21:23 You can see when and where the beacons were triggered as well.
21:26 Under tools, if we go to details, we can see all of the information that relates to these log files so we can see in this case what the event was, so we can see this was the filming day that I was telling you guys about, what the track was, which driver was in the car, so we've got 2 different drivers here, we've got the vehicle ID, the vehicle description, which session it was, which download it was, if we've got any long comments that are associated with it, we had a problem here with an oil pressure sensor that we repaired after that first run.
21:56 We've got dates, times, fastest lap time, I've added a summary about the fastest laps, the total laps so you can see there's just lots of information there.
22:04 We can also come in here and edit anything we want to about any of these log files if we want to come through after the fact and edit anything about the actual raw logged data.
22:13 We've got the option to use setup sheets, so that's not something we've actually gone through in the course, it's something we'll discuss in a future course but essentially it allows you to take real values from your setup sheet if you've got it defined electronically and use those within your data analysis projects, so you can map things like static ride height measurements or static camber measurements or whatever values you've got in your setup sheet and use those as values within your data analysis.
22:37 We've got the option here to define the video behaviour or map the video files to the log data.
22:45 So if you've got a video set up on your car, this is how you can point the software to where the default position is for where the logged video files are stored and this is just what i2 will use, it'll know how to, where to go and get those video files and automatically sync those up for you.
23:03 View device config is essentially just a shortcut to the configuration tool, so the MoTeC configuration tool that we use to define everything in the dash and the logger behaviour, this is essentially a shortcut to open the piece of software.
23:14 Here we've got the option to define alarms, so these alarms are separate to the ones we define in the logger.
23:20 These are alarms that we can define in a similar way but we can do them on the real time telemetry data that's coming in but these are within our analysis project rather than within the logger themselves.
23:30 This is one way we can access the math functions, so all of the math that we went through and defined in the course itself, this is where we've got all this stuff stored.
23:39 So we've already been through this in the course but you can see how I've got all of these organised within my project.
23:46 So whether I'm talking about conditions or chassis or bump stop or dampers, this is how I've got all my math defined.
23:53 In the view units section you can see which units we've got available to use for which quantities.
23:58 So quantity, whether that's a length, an acceleration, an angle, you can see what unit options we have for each of them.
24:05 In the channel editor, we can come through and for each one of the channels that we've got we can come through and change the units that are being used.
24:13 See some information, change the colour definition for each of the channels, there's lot of different places you can access these settings.
24:20 Obviously we saw how we could do it from the time/distance plot before but this is just another way to access those different properties about each of the channels.
24:26 We can come through here and use the channel aliases, so aliases I don't think are something I actually talked about within the course but essentially it's a way of making different data sources work within your project.
24:36 So the idea here is that rather than dealing necessarily with raw channel names, I can actually just report or use the channel alias.
24:43 So let's say I want to use one project for multiple cars, and one set of logged data might be called wheel speed front left and another set of logged data say from a different car might just be called speed front left.
24:55 So the idea here is that I could come and define a master channel, I could call it wheel speed front left and I could map both of those inputs to both of the data sources to one input and I could have that same data source work regardless of the display.
25:13 Let me give you an example of that.
25:15 So I've got throttle pos here.
25:18 So in the example I've got shown here, I looked directly at the log channel but I could ultimately have throttle pos and if I've got 2 different sources of logged data, so let's say one set of logged data has throttle pedal as the source and the other set of logged data has throttle position as the logged source, then both of those will show up in my project, will be aliased as throttle pos.
25:40 So that'll just give me a way to, means I can use the same displays for multiple sets of logged data, even if the logged data has different channel names for each.
25:48 Next I've got corrected speed and distance.
25:50 So this is where we're mapping the right inputs to make sure we're getting corrected speed and distance correct, this is something we went through quite a lot in the course but this is just where we can come through and set up which channels are going to be used for corrected speed and distance so by default it'll use the front left and the front right channels, that's what are base channels are going to be used.
26:09 And it's going to use the fastest value of both of these exist, otherwise if you've got a problem with one of those channels, this is the hierarchy it'll use to define the corrected speed channel in this order.
26:18 Otherwise if any of those are not available, it'll use the GPS speed as well as a fall back.
26:24 You've also got the option here to do corrected speed G correction and corrected speed clamp but more importantly the corrected distance is what we've got here.
26:35 By default here we've got the cor distance which just means corrected distance, will be generated from, based on the cor speed which is what we've got defined here for cor speed.
26:45 So this is quite important, you make sure you've got the most useful speed inputs set up for this part of the software to make sure that you're getting the corrected speed and distance showing because these are quite fundamental to how the data is going to be overlaid in your project.
27:00 We've also got the option to do corrected GPS, so we've got the channels that the logger is going to use for its GPS coordinates, so latitude, longitude and speed and any additional channels that we've also got coming from our GPS unit as well.
27:15 We've got the option to invalidate the GPS speed, so to tell us when the GPS speed is invalid based on how many GPS satellites are available to us.
27:25 One of the channels we've got available to us all the time is how many satellites are used and that can be an indication of the quality of the GPS signal so we've got the option to invalidate here if the number of satellites we've got access to is less than a certain amount and we've also got an option here to zero the GPS speed when the GPS speed is less than a certain value.
27:45 The last part of the main options here is the main options for the whole software, so I'm not going to go through each one of these but essentially whether it's about the general setup of this software, whether it's about colours, whether it's about lots of different analysis options we've got going through here, so we've got auto scale options, we've got the time formats, the amount of precision we want to use in our math channels, whether we've got any setup sheets like I talked about before, where they're defined.
28:08 It's got an option to use Google Maps so you can use the Google Maps APR to have a real overlay of basically a map, a real Google Map position to show you where you are on track, if you want to use a GPS based track.
28:25 You've got circuit, different circuit options, whether you want to generate in/out laps, how you're numbering your laps, the lap display format for the units you want to use.
28:35 Database options which is something to do with how the data is stored.
28:40 Telemetry options for how you want to show telemetry data which isn't something we've talked about in this course but just means live data coming through.
28:46 Default place where you look for your video files if you've got video integrated into your data analysis.
28:52 This is how you can define all the colours, all the default colours you can use throughout your project.
28:57 The hierarchy of the colours that go with them and also fonts as well.
29:00 Again just like you'd expect normally you've got a help area here where you can access the help file for the software, release notes, check for software updates, language controls, licences information and obviously also about the version of i2 that you're using as well.
29:15 So that's a bit of an overview of i2 itself, what the different options are and how you can set it up.
29:20 Now that I've gone through all of that initial setup and shown you guys around i2 and how it works, now we can jump into that reliability report that we need once we've downloaded the car.
29:30 So over here on my screen we've got a basic reliability report set up.
29:34 Now one of the important things to understand about i2 is the G function will cycle through different parts of a reliability report.
29:42 So for a start I'm just going to show it just in table format or we can show it in graph or graph and table.
29:48 So just to show you how that works, if I right click on it I can access the properties and we've got the ability to come through here and add and remove different channels we want to report on.
29:58 Whether we want to look at minimums, maximums, averages, standard deviation, start, end, whatever it is, you can see how I've got the channels I want to report on shown by these tick boxes here.
30:08 I've also got options to show all loaded outings, only the selected outings, or only the selected laps so you can see how I've got 2 outings loaded into my project and one lap selected by each.
30:19 By default if I make all loaded outings, it's going to define, it's going to mean that it's going to give me reports on everything that I've got loaded into my project which is generally what I want.
30:29 I've got also the display options so we can show channels in rows or columns and just some different options about the positives and negatives or the maximum and minimums, highlighting as well as a few basic options about the charts there as well.
30:42 So now that I've gone through and downloaded the car, I'm just going to go through and have a look at any reliability issues I might have with the car.
30:47 So over here on my screen, you can see I've got airbox temperature, battery volts, boost pressure, brake pressure percentage, coolant temp, oil pressure, engine oil temperature, engine speed, fuel pressure, differential fuel pressure, fuel temperature, inlet manifold temperatures and pressures, intercooler temperature and turbocharger speed.
31:03 And you can see each one of these rows here is whether it's been evaluated for the max for that lap or the minimum or the average and you can see how it's got a nice little colour convention showing us handily which one's which and each one of these laps is shown along the top here.
31:16 So it's a really quick way to scan through, for example if I wanted to look at my engine oil pressure, if I wanted to look at the minimum, I can see the minimum which is shown by blue here which is done on lap 3 and that was 171.6 kPa.
31:31 Now in that case that's fine for the situation but if you've got a minimum value you're wanting to stay above, this is where you can visualise that.
31:37 Same for any of these others, now I'm just scanning through quickly here.
31:39 I can't see anything wrong, my engine coolant temperatures look fine, the maximum here, the maximum, so in the maximum column, the maximum of the maximum is shown here in red, that's 91°, I'm happy with that, that's no problem, that's just really the process for going through and checking each one of your reliability channels, making sure that your maximum and minimums are within spec and you've got nothing either unsafe or anything that looks like it's going out of spec.
32:03 So that's really it for the reliability section, it's really a quick scan through to see if you've got anything that's going wrong, you want to be able to pick this up before you dive into the logged data because as we said earlier in the course, if you've got a car that's about to stop on track, that's a much more important problem to solve than just going a bit faster with your driver.

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