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Power setup with Battery and fusebox relocation

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hey all,

I have a R34 Skyline, that is really just a street/Sunday driver.

In the past it has had the battery relocated to the boot, and now along with other modifications i am relocating the fusebox from the engine bay to behind the glove box.

I am questioning how the +12v should be ran between components, and my thought was;

From alternator to starter-motor to battery with the power going to the fusebox also coming off the starter-motor.

There is a circuit breaker on the battery, but i believe the power being generated at the alternator would be unprotected?

Also is it acceptable to ground the battery to the chassis in the boot (With headlights fan etc grounded to chassis) Or would it be preferable to run a cable from the boot to engine ground.


In answer to your battery ground question - as long as it is a good clean connection there's no problem earthing it in the boot. Think of the vehicle chassis as one HUGE conductor and you'll see the advantage :-)

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