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Renault Clio Rs200 Alternator 2 Wire

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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Hello Team,

Using the MasterECU Range. I'm Currently Researching and building a Harness.

The HPA PDU course, it mentions about 2 Wires for Sense and ignition on alternators. (non European Vehicles)

The European Renault platform uses "ALTERNATOR SYNCHRONOUS BIT SIGNAL (CHARGE SIGNAL MANAGED BY UPC)" one Wire system.

How would this be set up and wired to either the PDU or ECU.

I am thinking its a LIN Data Stream, or if someone could correct me if its using PWM.

Please see diagram Below.

(103) is the Alternator.

(163) Starter Motor.

Not something I've come across before, and it seems the link is two-way to monitor the alt'and regulate the voltage?

I did find this discussion on a Renault forum that might give some insight - https://www.renaultforums.co.uk/threads/gr-scenic-ii-low-battery-warning-fixed.597233/

It seems to be a very proprietory method, and I suspect your best option, for anything other than the matching OEM system, is to change the alternator for a more conventional design. They would seem to be rather expensive to replace, so you may even make a small profit on-selling it.

thanks for the reply!

So! this is a Lin BSS type two way communication.

I don't see anywhere in the MasterECU Data sheets or documentation that support this protocol.

The plan is what you suggested, and get a Clio MK2 182 alternator. This is still a single wire but just sends out a voltage ref.. not sure if its 12v or 5volt reference.

Buying new from Bosch would be a good idea.



You may wish to check out the aftermarket specialist, too, such as https://brise.co.uk

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