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How to clean carbon before reassembling

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not sure if posting in the correct area or if permitted. I have a 383 forged ls1 and am having to replace the lifters. This is my first time opening up an engine like this.

head is off and am ready to put my new lifters and trays in. Before this I just wanted to know should I be cleaning the carbon from the top of the piston and the head chamber before putting it back together? If so how do I do it?

I have tried to attach pics but won’t upload unfortunately.

thank you in advance for any help

hello the head sealing and block gasket faces is the most important parts to have 100 percent clean I generally leave the rest is the carbon is from a healthy engine and not too extreme, my experience here tells me I don't want to loosen the carbon up and potentially ruin the rings

Regards Ross

Hi Ross

thank you for taking the time to answer for me, greatly appreciated. Yes I decided to leave it as I was worried fragments could ruin the rings if I cleaned the pistons.

the prc heads I have decided to pull down completely, get them skimmed and cleaned and reassembled by a professional as I felt it was too far out of my depth at this stage. I have just purchased some cheap 241 heads to practice on myself for future.

thank you

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