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Air Temperature

Introduction to Engine Tuning

Relevant Module: Dyno Basics > Power correction

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Sir, what do you mean by other dyno operators taking advantage of air temperature? Even if they place the air temperature probe in a hot area, wouldn't the power be the same since it's only for detection? The power measurement will only be obtained by the roller right?

Many dyno's will have a correction factor, that compensates for ambient temperature and pressure. This correction is applied to the values determined by the roller (or equivalent for other dyno types). If lower pressure and higher air temp are used, then the "corrected" output readings will be skewed upwards.

Just to add onto what David said, yes Christian you are correct, the actual power would be the same. Dynos generally record actual power, and then calculate ambient condition corrected power which is what David and Andre are referring to.

The raw power hasn't changed, the temperature corrected power figure would change.

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