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How do we get the toolbar to appear

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

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Hey guys,

Just a simple question on if anyone knows the shortcut to make the toolbar appear just below the main menu or has G4+ done away with that in the newer verisions?

I've been looking in the program for an option but it doesn't appear to be obvious.


G'day Rafael.

It doesn't look like its possible to have the configuration menu horizontal and below the 'File, Options.... etc' Menu unfortunately. You can hit the little pin icon so it stays in place on the side all the time and stop disappearing though.

Thanks Zac,

And just to be clear, the term "toolbar" refers to little shortcut icons below the drop down menus right?

Like the little picture of the floppy disk for "save", or multiple disks for "save as", etc.?

When you mention "pinning" the menu I thought you were refering to the side menu that comes up when you hit "esc"

I think the "toolbar" that you are referring to was only in old G4/Vipec software. My understanding was nobody used it as all those functions have keyboard shortcuts.

That's probably correct.

G4 tutorial mentioned it and figured it wasn't an option any more but wanted to make sure.

Thanks Adam

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