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Ecumaster Rename Analog sensor inputs

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hi Guys,

I’m building up an BMW E30 with an M50 Turbo engine. My ECU is an Ecumaster Black.

I have an question regarding the naming of the analog sensor inputs. I configuered all my sensors but had to use some of the preconfigured sensor names for my additional sensor – for example the AC evap temp. is now my second CLT sensor. My question is it possible to rename them?

I found an option to rename them at Tools -> Show assignated outputs -> Input assignment (see file attached) but when setting an User Name for a certain sensor this name does not appear in the log……….so that’s useless ! Do somebody have an idea to solve that?

Thanks for your support !

Regards Mike

I've played with this feature, and the only place I can see my renamed inputs is in the drop down menu when you're assigning an input to a parameter.

That's a downside of the ECUmaster, it lacks a bit of flexibility as there are no general purpose inputs and you need to assign your input to a parameter predefined in the software. For example, your CLT2 can't be used to let's say have a different rev limit if it go above a certain value. You'll need to cheat the ECU by assigning it as a Oil Temp sensor. It will still be logged by the name of the assigned parameter (Oil Temp in this case).


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