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Practical Standalone Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Standalone Tuning

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I am having a problem with my short term fuel trim apparently not working on my Emtron KV8.

The main VE table is obviously a bit lean, and Bank 1 gets plenty of STFT +% to get Bank 1 lambda in check, but Bank 2 never adds more than 2-5% to the STFT, allowing the Lambda to climb lean. What would cause the ECU to only trim 1 bank and not the other when it's clearly reading lean?

Picture attached.

Attached Files

There's probably a few things that could do that. But first an foremost, in the engine config, have you programmed in which cylinders are on which bank?

If that was left as default, then I think the ECU assumes that all cylinders are on bank 1. So even though you have a sensor reading bank 2, the ecu won't do anything with that.


another thing to check is that the ecu is on the latest firmware available from the web

I have checked the bank cylinder designations as well as that we are running the latest firmware. Thanks for the ideas, but no silver bullet yet.

How are your Lambda Control PID tables set?

You should have on one axis for Proportion/Integral and Derivative Gain tables - Lambda 1/2 Target Error - Shared (La)

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