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French Clio 3 turbo for trackday : engine cut problem

Practical Standalone Tuning

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I'm french : I'm passionate about mechanics and I live in Le Mans. I have a Clio 3 Turbo for trackdays on Bugatti with a Mégane 3RS engine and an ECUMASTER Black. I made myself the assembly, the adaptation of the electric harness: the adjustments of the car on the bench were made by a professional.

Here is my problem: from the first dyno tests in 2020 and until today, I feel a micro engine cut. Sometimes, there can be two in a row but it's quite rare. The appearances are very random: during a track trip, I can have several in the same session and sometimes none for several laps.

In order to see the appearance of these cuts, I mounted a push button on my steering wheel that I connected to an analog input of the ECU: the information appears on the logs provided by the EDL1 module. Looking at all the recorded parameters, I can't find anything abnormal.

The car can still run on the road, I made several tests on the road to eliminate some of them:

- Replacement of the coils,

- Replacement of the spark plugs,

- Replacement of the TDC sensor by an identical one,

- Replacement of the inductive TDC sensor by one with hall effect,

- Replacement of the camshaft phase sensor,

- Direct 12 volts supply of the coils,

- Power supply in 12 volts direct of the 4 injectors,

- Power supply in 12 volts direct of the calculator,

- Replacement of the calculator,

- Change of the firmware

- Installation of a jumostatic coil with wires,

- Replacement of the two ECU connectors with all the pins,

- Replacement of the injectors,

-Installation of interference filters on the harness,

The micro cut are always present with a frequency of one or two every 20 km on road. I even manage to have them while driving quietly at stable speed and load, so extreme use of the track is excluded for me.

I looked in detail at the ECUMASTER log files of all these tests and I did not see anything abnormal. I checked and even redid my power supplies and grounds.

I contacted ECUMASTER but without any result and the French resellers do not know enough about this equipment.

Unfortunately, I have no more ideas and I think that a new opinion could help me.

So if you have any ideas, I'm interested.

Thank you

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