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Hall Effect sensor only picking up 7 of 8 teeth ICE Distributor

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hi all, I have run into an issue with a hall effect sensor inside an ice ignition distributor on a small block chevy. The vehicle did have a full ice ignition boost retard box and coil but it had very unpredictable/erratic timing. we have since rewired it with a haltech nexus r3. i took the distributor apart for inspection and to change the trigger sensor wiring to a shielded cable. Trigger wheel was not quite evenly spaced between the trigger sensor but fixed it while i was there (Pressed tin steel wheel). Everything looks good on a log except it counts the teeth from 0 to 7 then starts over, doesnt seem to see tooth number 8. Doesnt seem normal?? the voltage seems fine 5v off, 0v on. and i have tried rising edge with no effect, set back to falling edge as its fundamentally a VN commodore distributor inside. It fires the coil randomly or not at all some attempts. (Coil is Bosch MEC718 with the corresponding Bosch Ignitor module. have also played with the timing offset even though im reading spark directly from the coil to a grounded sparkplug. ill worry about the rotor and cap once i can get the thing to work.

There is no home, just trigger as it still has carburetors

Any Help would be greatly appreciated, Cheers.

Does it start with a "0"and go from there to "7"? That is a common method of counting with electronics, as "0" is the first value and "7" will be the 8th value.

ie, "0">#1 cylinder, "1">#8, "2">#4,... "6">#7, "7">#2. (later engines, and some aftermarket camshafts swap #4 and #7, if you seem to have a misfire on them)

If not, please reply.

This ^^^ (0-7 is 8 values).

It counts up 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2...etc

Also i am getting an RPM signal so im starting to think something else is up. I am making a patch harness with a smart coil borrowed from my own car to test today

Cheers fellas

R35 Coil Runs Perfectly as a test so suspecting the ignitor is toast, bosch coil and ice coil both fire normally with a manual bench test

If logged RPM is stable, no triggering errors are present, you may have an ignition system quirk to sort out if it's not reliably sparking.

Turns out i was supplied the wrong ignition module pinout. All sorted now, thankyou all for your fast replies. And now i know about the trigger count for future use. Cheers

NM, glad you got it sorted.

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