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Progressively increasing boost for WOT tuning

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Standalone Tuning

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I'm in progress of rebuilding my engine and is planning out how to approach tuning on my own for the very first time.

I am thinking in order to get a more accurate setting under the partial load and also let me warm up and get myself familiar with WOT tuning, I will set the wastegate duty cycle to zero and run at wastegate pressure for the initial WOT tuning. After that I will increase the wastegate duty cycle and repeat the process a few more times until I reach my target boost pressure.

Other than the additional time required to tuning with this approach, are there any drawbacks for tuning with this method?

no, is what you normally do with a "new" engine, and you can fine tune your fuel and timing doing that. It may be actually easy and fast if the dyno allowe you that. I will read a lot and checking the courses here before tuning the engine, especially if is a new engine. Have fun!

that's a good approach. Also, if it's a manual transmission, I usually check the AFR's in lower gears first. Putting it into 4th or 5th gear and doing a WOT pull first thing is risky. You push the engine harder

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