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Steady state tuning

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hi everyone I've never used a dyno only been tuning on the road so have a few questions.

I've found a dyno that will hire it out by the hour, I'll be doing a full map of a Toyota Soarer 1jz.

Now the dyno doesn't offer steady state tuning, so what's the best way to do this can you steady state tune on any dyno? Also if it doesn't offer this will it still show torque feedback for ignition tuning so you can see optimal ignition timing.

The owner just said you can do as many power runs as you like in the time tired and make adjustments from their.

Thanks in advance Paul

Unfortunately, I would say try to find another dyno willing to rent one that does offer a brake of some sort. What type of ECU are you using to tune with?

Daniel it's the AEM series 2

If the dyno doesn't let you run a fixed engine rpm or roller speed, it's not the right dyno for you. Also, here's another trick: you can hold a steady throttle by basically rigging together a long threaded rod that pushes on the gas pedal and braces against the steering wheel. It will put constant pressure on the gas pedal so your foot doesn't get tired.

Where in the UK are you?

It sounds like an inertia dyno which you can apply the left foot braking technique described in the road tuning course but you'll not manage a complete map this way, a lot of it will be best guess and you'll cook your brakes too.

I'm in Nottinghamshire, I'd prefer to find one where I can steady state tune

Just an addition to Chris' note. Left foot braking on an inertia dyno is not advised as there's very limited airflow over the brakes compared to actually driving on the road. You'll cook them very quickly.

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