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Determine wire size for battery cables

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I have a 1986 Ford F250 6.9 idi the battery cables are falling apart and unable to read the wire size on the 34 year old cables and I have not worked with wire long enough to look at it and determine what size it is. Can any one point me in the right direction for sizing the wire before I start ordering? It's a 12 volt system with two batteries in parallel.


Just messure the cross section of conductor and then in the Google there is tables where you can convert to size you need.

I assume the cross section of just the wire and not with the insulation?

So the battery cables are 4/0 and 3/0. Seems a little bit of over kill from the factory. The truck is stock and doesn't have a bunch of accessory's. Any opinions?

You need to calculate your Amparage.

But I think 1/0 is more the enough.

This should give you a starting point. 200amps @ 50'


Specifications Overview:

Extra Flexible Class K Strands 665x30

-49°C to 105°C

600 Volt Rating

Moisture Resistant

Resistant to oil,water.fuel,cuts,tears and abrasion

Very flexible in cold weather

302 lbs per 1000 ft

Rated for up to 200 amps @ 50' max length

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