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Low or High side ignition switch?

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I am confused by the example connections sheet provided in the course. Pin 85 and 87 of the ECU relay are both connected to the ECU fuse. I am guessing the ECU relay is then activated by low side via the ignition switch, but then the drawing is showing ON switch connected to 86, 85 to ground and 87 to the fuse...

In my case I am not reusing any OEM key barrel or anything so I will have a MOM switch for start and a 2 poles switch for Ignition ON so wondering which way would be best..

Can you provide a link, or more specific reference, to the schematic in question, please?

Yes, the ECU relay in the diagram below the video is controlled by ground.

The positive to the coil comes from the ignition, that is controlled by the positive signal of the ignition switch.

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