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Downloaded free Fusion but its not 360?

3D Modeling & CAD for Motorsport

Relevant Module: CAD Basics > Getting Started

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Hi, I have downloaded the only free personal Autodesk Fusion program but I can't find the 360 version. Just started the "Getting started" module and noticed my Autodesk and available tools are different, ie missing "Automate". Should i have downloaded something else?

Cheers, John.

Hey John,

Since we filmed the course a few minor things have changed.

One being the name, Fusion 360 is now just Fusion so nothing to worry about there.

Don't stress to much about "automate" This is just something we cover very briefly in the advanced section, and it's not too much use when you're just starting out.

99% of what you need to get through the course will still be available on the free version, and we mention a few workaround options as well.

You're on the right track, just keep following your nose and let me know if there's anything that has you held up.

Also if there are things that are no longer available in the free version please let me know!

We usually reply within 12hrs (often sooner)

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