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Injector volume

MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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Discussion and questions related to the course MoTeC M1 Software Tutorial

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Can I have more details about injector minimum volume, and if I change my injector I have to change the number on the volume?

For the M1, you should only choose injectors that are calibrated. If you can't find your injector on the list, then you send a sample to MoTeC through your MoTeC dealer and they will characterize it and add it to M1 Tune.

if you know what you are doing, you can manually manipulate any of the injector characterisations, but that is not really necessary.

I have never needed to change the minimum volume from the default 1.0 uL.

Minimum injector volume is the minimum volume of fuel that can be accurately metered in a single pulse from the injector. In most instances this volume will we be 1.0ul (the minimum tested down to), but in the cases for custom paired injector per output calibrations, or calibrations for exceptionally large injectors such as billet atomisers etc the minimum accurately metered fuel volume that can be metered is say 3 or 5ul.

As David has already outlined, you should only alter this number if you have been provided a customer calibration sheet for your injectors and need to manually enter the data. Most injectors will have this value at 1.0ul anyway.

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