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K Tune 's Profile

K Tune


VIP Member

K  Tune's profile image

Latest Activity

General Tuning Discussion -> I just launched an affordable audio knock detection gauge!

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Off Topic Discussion -> Having Issues Starting my BMW 2JZ GTE VVTi running Haltech Elite 750

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General Tuning Discussion -> IQ3 Street Dash not read

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General Tuning Discussion -> Remote dyno status

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Road Tuning -> LS2 haltech elite 1500 dbw ifle issue

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General Tuning Discussion -> Toyota 2az vvti tuning issue

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General Tuning Discussion -> Gm engines VVT wiring

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Practical Reflash Tuning -> tuning with ecm titanium and winols

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Practical Reflash Tuning -> Hp Tuners Intial Configurations

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General Tuning Discussion -> Big intake and Engine response

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Road Tuning -> Fine tuning Ignition on Road

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General Tuning Discussion -> 1uz misfiring at idle

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General Tuning Discussion -> Vvti tuning procedures?

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Launch Control -> Antilag launch control

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> Elite 750 parallel wiring

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General Tuning Discussion -> Can someone answer plz?

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General Tuning Discussion -> Haltech acceleration enrichment

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General Tuning Discussion -> Ecu Temperature

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General Tuning Discussion -> Lean AFR under electrical loads

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General Tuning Discussion -> Combustion smoke is there but engine wont start

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General Tuning Discussion -> Haltech 500 and First time to tune inquires

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EFI Wiring Fundamentals -> Link g4+ Atom on normal distributor engine ( Dizzy)

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General Tuning Discussion -> New Website Launched

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